MP0 Writeup


I started creating my website by creating a barebones structure of what I wanted all the pages to look like. Here is an example of my cheatsheet page before it was finished to demonstrate the template that each page follows:

Image of cheatsheet page without any code

After creating the structure, I also created a nav bar which I made sure to add to each page. Finally, once the template for each page was done, I added the text and images specific to each page to finish the website.


One issue I encountered was being unable to push my changes through the command line. I solved this issue by using GitHub Desktop to push all my changes an it worked.

CSS Transition

The CSS transition I piced was animating the color of a text link on hover because I thought it looked cool. I made it work by researching methods of how to do this on Stackoverflow before I implemented and tested it myself

GIF of nav bar that has swiping gradient on hover over links

Ideas and Future:

  • Clean up CSS code
  • Add more cool styles
  • Restructure Portfolio