FP0: Final Project Proposal


My final project will be a 2D endless runner game that builds off of MP3.


Drawing of game login screen Drawing of 2D endless runner game

Prototype Version

2D endless runner webpage game where the player can jump over obstacles. I will be building off of MP3 by adding a title screen with a login flow and backend database that stores high scores via Firebase. The player will have the choice to login or play as a guest which will not save their high score data.

Final Version

Same as above but with added BGM, sound effects, and a controller with two buttons and a 4 digit 7 segement display that shows the current score that uses p5.serialserver with Node.

Development Plan

  1. March 5th - Create title screens, login flow, Firebase authentication, and replay button
  2. March 7th - Finish prototype, finish FP1 on portfolio
  3. March 9th - Demo prototype in class
  4. March 10th - Set up controller, add BGM and sound effects
  5. March 15th - Finish final version, work on portfolio
  6. March 17th - Finish FP2 final portfolio


  • What the title screen will look like
  • How high scores will be updated
  • How to connect game with Firebase
  • Stretch Goals

  • Adding coin collection feature
  • Changing jumping mechanics to spin sprite on jump
  • Adding floating platforms