My final project will be a 2D endless runner game that builds off of MP3.
Prototype Version
2D endless runner webpage game where the player can jump over obstacles. I will be building off of MP3 by adding a title screen with a login flow and backend database that stores high scores via Firebase. The player will have the choice to login or play as a guest which will not save their high score data.
Final Version
Same as above but with added BGM, sound effects, and a controller with two buttons and a 4 digit 7 segement display that shows the current score that uses p5.serialserver with Node.
Development Plan
March 5th - Create title screens, login flow, Firebase authentication, and replay button
March 7th - Finish prototype, finish FP1 on portfolio
March 9th - Demo prototype in class
March 10th - Set up controller, add BGM and sound effects
March 15th - Finish final version, work on portfolio