MP2: Creative Coding with p5.js

Click here to view my gallery!

Overview and Usage

The core functionality of my project is to create a gallery page which displays various p5 sketches, including a static image, a static artwork with randomness, an infinite loop, an interactive sketch, a sketch that outputs audio, and a sketch that creates audio and visuals based on user input. Here is a link to the GitHub repository where the code for my sketches are hosted: To run the code, simply clone the repository, and run it locally or copy the Javascript from the html files of each sketch into p5.

Here is a gif of my p5 gallery:

GIF of p5.js sketch gallery

Development Process

Here are the steps that outline my process for this project:

  1. Make drafts of Sketches 1-6 on p5.js
  2. Create a gallery page and work on CSS layout
  3. Link all sketches onto gallery page
  4. Add screenshots/gifs of each sketch to the gallery page. Here is a screenshot of my project in an unfinished state as I was adding images to each block:
  5. p5.js sketch gallery without thumbnails
  6. Create an outline of project writeup
  7. Finalize writeup and link gallery to writeup page
  8. Push final code to GitHub

Issue Deep-Dive

An issue that I encountered was that my sketches that involved audio did not play the audio when accessed from my gallery page even though it worked in the p5.js environment.

I resolved this problem by adding the following script tags to the head of my html code:

        <script src=""></script>
        <script src=""></script>

This fix taught me that I should always check to make sure that I've properly imported libraries before trying to use them.

Ideas and Future:

  • Add some color to static, random, and infinite loop sketches
  • Add feature to save note sequences on audio and visuals sketch
  • Create a new sketch that generates random loops based on audio input
  • Kudos

    Thank you to the p5 documentation and Hannah for providing great example code.